Hi, Anan recommended your blog and I popped in. I'm also into photogrpahy and i have my own photography blog too. :) I am *almost* 15.
I've been taking pictures since Spring of '05 and I've improved a lot since then. Im jealous that you live in the country. I live in the suburbs and telephone wires always get in the way of my pictures and its hard to find things to take pictures of sometimes. x_x
Your photos are so beautiful. I feel as though I experience the pictures with all of my senses because the subjects are captured so well. This sweet little picture of Daisy brings a tear to my eye as it reminds me of the sweetness of my baby, too. Enjoy life with your family. They seem wonderful. I am from the South, too, but now live in California. Actually, I was born in the neighborhood that you may have seen in the news that was hit by the tornado...Enterprise, AL. I miss your area of the country very much. God has blessed you with great talent. Blessings to you and your family! Laura...
I see you are sadly lacking in comments. I envy your Mother! I wish I had someone to take pictures of my projects ::sniff>::. :-p
~Anna the crazy Lutheran 15 year old
Hi, Anan recommended your blog and I popped in.
I'm also into photogrpahy and i have my own photography blog too. :) I am *almost* 15.
I've been taking pictures since Spring of '05 and I've improved a lot since then.
Im jealous that you live in the country. I live in the suburbs and telephone wires always get in the way of my pictures and its hard to find things to take pictures of sometimes. x_x
You are very blessed with beautiful sisters, as well as your ability with a camera.
I came over from your mom's blog. You have amazing talent for one who is still so young. Keep up the beautiful work.
Your photos are so beautiful. I feel as though I experience the pictures with all of my senses because the subjects are captured so well. This sweet little picture of Daisy brings a tear to my eye as it reminds me of the sweetness of my baby, too. Enjoy life with your family. They seem wonderful. I am from the South, too, but now live in California. Actually, I was born in the neighborhood that you may have seen in the news that was hit by the tornado...Enterprise, AL. I miss your area of the country very much. God has blessed you with great talent. Blessings to you and your family!
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