.Daisy on the Deck
.Today's Work
Today I went out with a couple of men from the church to repair a man's house. We do this as part of an orginization that one of the men in the church started, which goes out and helps elderly people that are to poor to hire someone to fix their house. There is about a job every week, which involves anything from replacing linoleum, to replacing a water heater, to repainting the entire house. Today there was an elderly man of about 80 who needed a few things installed and fixed around his house, like a shower head that he could take down to wash himself with and he also needed to have his trash burned, because he couldn't do it himself. We will be going back out there on wednesday to do some other things that we could not get to today.
.A Great Day at the Cabin
We had a great time at the cabin today, we went on a hike and then had Schoolhouse Chili, which, as always, was great.
From top to bottom:
My Dad, The Composer, with Daisy in the pack; my Mom; Felix; Bella; Clara; and Grandpa.
A view from the outcropping at the end of the hike.
Some grape hyacinths at the cabin.
.Going to the Cabin
Today we are going to Grandpa's cabin. We will be up there all day hiking and doing stuff. We are taking a pot of Schoolhouse Chili to eat for dinner. Yum!
.Fun in the Garden
.Think Dero
Dero is a real photographer, and he is really good. Check out the link to his site down on the links bar or right here, the site is ThinkDero, and his website name is thinkdero.com. His website is really cool.
.A Great Sunset
.The Camping Trip: a cabin in the woods
On the trip, there was an old cabin in the woods that had been built by a homesteader over a hundred years ago. The last resident of this cabin died sometime in the '70s. The resident was an old woman that had lived there most of her life until the end of her life. The inside of the cabin is very interesting, in the upstairs the wallpaper is made from newspapers from the '50s, of which some can still be read. Here is a picture of the cabin, in front of it is an old orchard with some giant old pear trees, to the left of the cabin is a root cellar, and all around the cabin there are giant old trees.
.The Camping Trip: a waterfall
On the hiking/camping trip, we visited a really awesome fall. It is one of the highest around, being over 200ft. tall. Here are two pictures of it. It is hard to really get the fall into perspective and see how big it really is. To really get the whole fall in view, you have to be a really long way away.
.The Camping Trip: a retrospective tour
The camping trip was amazing. The only rain that we got was a light shower over the night when we were car camping. Here are a bunch of pictures from the trip. All the trails were beautiful, and there was water in all of the falls. The weather was really good, and everyone was so happy that there was no rain on the backpacking or short hiking part of the trip. More pictures to come later.
From top to bottom:
The Grandfather
The Lawyer (an uncle)
.Going Camping: an update
Tomorrow is the day that we go camping. We will be hiking overnight and then camping at a campsite the night after that. The only problem with this lovely trip is that the forecast says that it will be raining almost the whole time. So, the camping trip might not last as long as planned. If the weather takes a sudden turn for the better, the trip will be a success. I will bring back pictures if the rain lets up long enough to allow me to take out the camera.
.More Spring Pictures
.Going Camping
This weekend me, Felix, most of our male cousins, several uncles, and a grandfather are going on a camping/hiking trip for three days and two nights. We will be packing in all our food, and one night we will be on the trail. It is going to be lots of fun, and I expect to take lots of good pictures. The weather looks like it will be good, if not a little cold, but that is better than hot and humid. It has all been planned by our uncle, The Lawyer. Further updates as events warrant.
.The Garden
The garden this year is in great shape, and will be ready to plant after a couple tillings because last year I burned the grass off of it, with the help of my Mom, weeded it it, and then tilled and planted it. The paths were covered with black plastic, and mulch was put on that, which kept the weeds from retaking the garden as fast. The beds were covered with leaves, and I have already planted some spinach this year, which is growing very well. This weekend we should be planting potatoes. The biggest problem that we had last year was the deer. The deer ate all the okra, almost all the sunflowers, all the green beans, and a lot of lettuce. Besides that, the garden flourished until we went on a trip for a couple weeks.
The tiller that we have is a little Honda, a four-stroke, which works like a charm. My advice to you if you are thinking about getting a tiller is, get a Honda four-stroke, and if not that, just four-stroke, because two-stroke tillers will not last, if they ever work good. Below is a picture of the garden from last year just before it was put away, so to speak.
There was a thunderstorm today. The last few months have been record-breakingly dry, so this is a welcome shower. The grass, as of today, has started to get green, and the creek has filled up after being empty for months.
From top to bottom:
Water flowing into a channel in the creek
Water flowing out of a channel in the creek
The sky reflected from a spring
Water droplets on a cedar tree
A peach blossom
A saucer magnolia blossom